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How to Support Admission Professionals by Leveraging Student Journey Management?

The role of higher education admission professionals in the US is crucial for any educational institution, and they manage the entire student admissions process, from initial inquiry to enrollment. With the increasing competition and evolving expectations of students, admission professionals need to provide a personalized and streamlined experience for every student, which is where student journey management comes into play.

Student journey management refers to mapping out and managing a student’s interactions with an educational institution throughout their entire lifecycle, which includes every touchpoint, from initial inquiry to graduation and beyond. By leveraging student journey management, admission professionals can create a seamless and personalized experience for every student, leading to higher enrollment rates and improved student satisfaction.

One platform that can help admission professionals achieve this is EDJO.

EDJO is a student journey management platform that provides an end-to-end solution for managing the entire student lifecycle. Here’s how EDJO can help admission professionals in the US:

  • Personalized Communication
    EDJO provides admission professionals with the tools to deliver personalized communication to each student. With EDJO, admission professionals can automate communication based on the student’s stage in the admissions process. For example, they can send targeted emails to prospective students, automated reminders for incomplete applications, and personalized welcome messages to enrolled students.
    Personalized communication can help students feel valued and supported throughout the admissions process, leading to higher engagement rates and improved student satisfaction.
  • Streamlined Application Process
    EDJO streamlines the application process by providing a user-friendly online application portal. The portal is customizable to match the institution’s branding, and it’s easy to use for students of all technical abilities.
    The application portal includes features like automatic validation of fields and uploading required documents. This helps students submit their applications more efficiently and eliminates errors.
  • Data-Driven Insights
    EDJO provides admission professionals with real-time data insights that they can use to improve the admissions process. They can track student interactions with the platform, monitor application completion rates, and analyze the success of various communication channels.
    These insights enable admission professionals to make data-driven decisions that can improve student satisfaction and enrollment rates.
  • Integration with Other Systems
    EDJO integrates with other systems that admission professionals use, such as CRM systems and student information systems. This integration gives admission professionals a unified view of each student’s journey and eliminates the need for manual data entry.
    The integration also gives admission professionals a holistic view of each student’s engagement with the institution, enabling them to provide personalized support and guidance throughout the entire lifecycle.
  • Support for Virtual Engagement
    With the increasing popularity of virtual events, EDJO provides admission professionals with tools to host virtual events and engage with prospective students online, which includes virtual tours, online chat support, and live webinars.
    Virtual engagement enables admission professionals to connect with students who may not be able to visit the campus in person, providing them with a personalized experience that can lead to higher enrollment rates.

In conclusion, admission professionals in the US need to provide a personalized and streamlined experience for every student to improve enrollment rates and student satisfaction. EDJO is a student journey management platform that gives admission professionals the tools to achieve this. From personalized communication to data-driven insights, EDJO can help admission professionals create a seamless and customized experience for every student.

By leveraging student journey management, admission professionals can improve the student experience and make the admissions process more efficient and effective.